Wildlife Kunst

Verfügbare Original Kunstwerke

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"Wisdom of Florida"
Uhu . Bubo Virginianus
Farbstifte . Graphit . 30 x 40 cm

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"In the mirror"
Rötelpelikan . Pelecanus rufescens
Aquarell . 30 x 60 cm

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"Take off"
Kleiber . Sitta europaea
Aquarell . 30 x 30 cm

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"Window to your soul"
Europäischer Luchs . Lynx lynx
Miniatur . Aquarell . 15 x 15 cm

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"Circle of life"
Triceratops horridus dinosaur &                                           Kragenechse . Chlamydosaurus kingii
Aquarell . 50 x 50 cm

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"Facing the dragon"
Zaunkönig . Troglodytes troglodytes
Aquarell . 70 x 50 cm

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"Hold on, hold on"
Jaguar . Panthera onca
Aquarell . 40 x 40 cm

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"In the desert of my dreams"
Timberwolf . Canis lupus
Aquarell . 70 x 100 cm


"The perfect embrace"
Zwergtaucher . Tachybaptus ruficollis
Aquarell . 50 x 50 cm


"Silent wings over the glen"
Uhu . Bubo bubo
Öl . 60 x 40 cm

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"Fading Sumatra"
Sumatratiger . Panthera tigris sumatrae
Aquarell . 50 x 50 cm

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"On a bunch of flowers"
Gebirgsstelze . Motacilla cinerea
Aquarell . 80 x 60 cm

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"Star of St. Andrews"
Star . Sturnus vulgaris
Aquarell . 20 x 30 cm

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"The Keeper"
Sibirischer Tiger . Panthera tigris altaica
Aquarell . 40 x 30 cm


"Nursing mummys little break"
Eichhörnchen. Sciurus vulgaris
Aquarell & Blattgold . 20 x 20 cm


"Boys gain weight"
Graureiher . Ardea cinerea
Aquarell . 40 x 40 cm

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"It´s there in your eyes"
Sibirischer Tiger . Panthera tigris altaica
Aquarell . 60 x 80 cm


"Always hungry"
Bachstelzen. Motacilla alba yarrellii
Aquarell . 40 x 30 cm

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Merlin . Falco columbarius
Aquarell & Öl . 15 x 15 cm

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"Crossing old grounds"
Schnee Eule . Bubo scandiacus
Öl . 40 x 40 cm


"Brothers in the maze of moments"
Braunbären . Ursus arctos arctos
Graphit . 73 x 53 cm

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"Look out"
Waldohreule . Asio otus
Graphit & Farbstift . 30 x 21 cm


Steinkauz . Athene noctua
Graphit . 17 x 13 cm


"Secrets of the woods . Wolf"
Wolf . Canis lupus
Miniatur . Aquarell . 15 x 15 cm


"In a playing mood"
Sumatratiger . Panthera tigris sumatrae
Graphit . 42 x 30 cm

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"I wanna take a lifetime to memorize your face"
Uhu . Bubo bubo
                                                                               Graphit . 27 x 32 cm


"No trespassing"
Graphit . 17 x 20 cm


"Under kings eyes"
Uhu . Bubo bubo
Graphit . 20 x 15 cm
